Rousse has been scoured by a team of 22 beach cleaners as part of a study to illustrate the scale of local seaside pollution.
Weekly surveys are organised by the Clean Earth Trust.
North-easterly winds over the weekend brought lots of litter onto our shores so next week volunteers will meet at Pembroke at 2.30pm to clean up.
‘It was quite bad actually, there were lots of small plastic fragments, fishing nets and rope,’ said Helen Quin, head of community engagement at the Clean Earth Trust, about Rousse.
‘We’ve been doing this for a few months now and are starting to see trends in what kinds of things we’re finding and where.’
Another long-term beach clean co-ordinator is being sought to help lead the sessions alongside Sean Renouf and CET representatives.
About 20 to 30 people volunteer each week.
‘It’s great to see such community spirit,’ said Ms Quin.
‘We’ve got a really nice crew with lots of students coming down now for their Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards.’
Sponsorship for the annual report was recently secured through RBC and data from the Big Channel Island Beach Clean is being collated.
‘Womblers’ will be able to log finds on the CET’s new website, which is due to launch soon.
‘So many amazing people are out there doing such good stuff. We want to have it all in one place to really show the scale.’
Guernsey Grammar School and Sixth Form Centre recycling prefect Piper Everett, 17, is interning with the trust in the summer.
‘I think mostly I’ll just be helping out and will be trying to encourage kiosks to switch to more sustainable takeaway packaging.
‘All the schools are coming together to present on environmental issues at Ladies’ College soon too.’
Lucie Bridges, 14, was beach cleaning as part of her Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
‘I’m really happy to be here, it’s my first outing and I just wanted to help out in the community, really.
‘We all love our beaches and so I want to make it as nice as possible for everyone.’
Nine-year-old Zara Smart cleans beaches weekly as a family activity.
‘I enjoy everything about it. I found a [piece of] Lego once but mummy lost it, and a Playmobil man, marbles, glass bottles and lots of crab pots.’
The full article can be found here: https://guernseypress.com/news/2021/04/27/clean-earth-trust-womblers-in-windy-clear-up-at-rousse/