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Thanks to SIF grant, we're recruiting a Repair Café Manager
A grant for a new unique position within The Clean Earth Trust (CET) team has been awarded by the Social Investment Fund (SIF). The role...
May 17, 2022

GSY Clothes Swap Joins CET with Launch of Monthly Repair Café Series
The Clean Earth Trust launches a regular series of Monthly Pop-up Repair Cafes, which will take place every first Saturday of the month....
Helen Quin
Aug 19, 2021

Why use a Repair Cafe?
Why ​use a Repair Cafe? Here are 6 reasons to give it a try. ​ 1. Reduce your impact on the environment The Clean Earth Trust’s vision is...
Camilla Smillie
Mar 17, 2021

Repair Cafe Receives Funding from Guernsey Electricity’s Power to the People
The Repair Café, an initiative of The Clean Earth Trust, has received £1,125 in funding from Guernsey Electricity’s Power to the People...
Camilla Smillie
Mar 10, 2021

The Repair Café goes online, with the launch of a new Community Group
The Repair Café has created a new online community within Facebook to support anyone who needs to carry out a repair on an item, but...
Camilla Smillie
Feb 10, 2021

The Repair Café Pops-Up at the Guille-Allès Library
The Repair Café is popping-up at the Guille-Allès Library on Saturday January 16th. The Repair Café, which has been running twice a week...
Helen Quin
Jan 7, 2021
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